For those who love to travel, Fleapy is a site which allows users to find the lowest flight fares for both domestic and international flights. Fleapy have been operating since last year, but at that time only included data from AirAsia. Recently with the new site redesign, they have integrated more data to including flight fares from Firefly, JetStar, Tiger Airways and also Nok Air with more flight carriers around Asia to be added from time to time.
Besides that, the new Fleapy redesign presents the data for each month in a calendar format, allowing users to easily find out the cheapest flight rates on different dates. When a particular date is chosen, the flights from each flight carrier with their flight rates are shown, allowing the user to choose which one they prefer.
After choosing the appropriate date and the flight they want to be on, the site will then redirect to each flight carrier’s particular site, allowing users to book their flight tickets easily.
For those who want to try out the new interface and features, you can head into today. If you are using Google Chrome as your main browser, maybe you can try out the Chrome Extensions for Fleapy, for faster and easier access, directly from your browser.